Environment, Health & Safety in the Workplace

The Observatory on Environment, Health and Safety in the Work place was established in 2020 in cooperation with the Marco Biagi Department of Economics of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.

The topics on which the Observatory’s activities focus consist in analysing and monitoring the main issues, both classic and emerging, concerning risks concerning the health and safety of workers in the workplace, as well as the impact of business activity on the surrounding environment.

The Observatory’s aim is to provide as in-depth analytical framework of the legal, organisational and technical aspects of prevention issues from the interdisciplinary perspective.


Do you want to know more?

For more information, please contact:
prof. Roberto Pinardi
email:  roberto.pinardi@unimore.it

Activities of the Observatory


For some years the Observatory on Environment, Health and Safety in the Workplace has been offering a first-level university Master’s degree in Expert in Health, Safety and Environment in Private and Public Workplaces – HSE management, which aims to train HSE Managers, on the basis of the UNI 11720:2018 standard, also spreading the culture of prevention and safety, including environmental and personal data protection, model 231 and integrated management systems in private and public companies.

The Observatory also organises advanced training courses that aim to meet, through the provision of a wide-ranging proposal, the various needs in relation to continuous training, increasingly important today, given that workplaces, practices and processes are constantly changing due to the influence of new technologies and changing economic and social conditions.

The Masters and Advanced Training Courses offered by the Observatory are characterised by the use of innovative teaching methodologies and interdisciplinary approach.


The Observatory, through a continuous exchange between its members, aims to nurture research, always from an interdisciplinary perspective, through participation in public calls for proposals financed at local, national or European level and the publication of both the Proceedings of the Conferences or Seminars that are organised and contributions in volumes or scientific journals.

The Observatory’s activities also feed into the university’s public engagement through reports, seminars and workshops also open to the public.

• Roberto Pinardi, Full Professor of Public Law, Unimore
• Salvatore Aloisio,
Researcher of Public Law, Unimore
• Maria Barberio,
Research Fellow in Labour Law, Unimore
• Livia Di Stefano,
PhD Labour Relations, Unimore
• Maria Giovannone,
Researcher in Labour Relations, Uniroma3
• Luigi Golzio,
Emeritus Professor of Organisational Stadies, Unimore
• Alberto Levi,
Full Professor of Labour Law, Unimore
• Federica Nizzoli,
Doctoral Student, Unimore
• Cesare Trabace,
Research Fellow, Unimore
• Veronica Verzulli,
Doctoral Student, Unimore
• Alberto Zini,
PhD in Trade Union and Labour Law, Unimore