Participatory Management in Private & Public Organizations

The Observatory on Participatory Management in the Private and Public Sector (OSMAPART) was set up in 2021 in collaboration with the Marco Biagi Department of Economics following the establishment of “Prisma Partecipazione” (PrisPart), a permanent table for dialogue between the Marco Biagi Foundation (Foundation) and the territorial Social Partners who share the participatory method in the organisation and management of labour relations.

It focuses on topics such as worker participation between private and public sectors, with reference to the influences of EU law and the multilevel industrial relations system, and the dimensions of the collective in the ‘diluted’ enterprise and administration.

The objective of the Observatory is to plan stable or ad hoc initiatives of analysis, design, training and dissemination of concrete applications of the method through the PrisPart Table.




Do you want to know more?

For more information, please contact:
Prof. Edoardo Ales (OSMAPART coordinator)

Activities of the Observatory


The Observatory’s main training initiative consists of the Winter School (WS), an event held annually in which a (topical) issue is identified and analysed in the prism of participation. The WS is flanked by one-day ad hoc training events on application reflections.


The PrisPart Table was officially established in November 2021 and was joined by:

• CISL Emilia-Romagna, CISL Emilia Centrale, CST UIL Modena and Reggio Emilia
• CGIL Modena (as observer);
• The Italian Association for Personnel Management (AIDP) Emilia-Romagna and CONFARTIGIANATO Emilia-Romagna (for employers);
• the IRES CGIL Emilia-Romagna (as study centre).
• PrisPart gave rise to a twinning involving the world of social cooperation and beyond, with the involvement of Legacoop and Confcooperative (PrisPartCoop).

The Social Partners’ contribution consists in participating in the Table with a view to co-deciding the issues to be addressed and the projects to be developed, through the appointment of a representative for each organisation.

In order not to limit itself to a theoretical reflection, the research, in addition to the PrisPart Table, intends to make use of the existing contacts between the Marco Biagi Foundation, enterprises and public administrations.

  • Edoardo Ales, Full professor of Labour Law, University of Naple “Parthenope”
  • Tindara Addabbo, Full professor of Economic Policy, Unimore
  • Francesco Basenghi, Full Professor of Labour Law, Unimore
  • Eleonora Costantini, Research Fellow, Unimore
  • Ylenia Curzi, Associate Professor in Organisation and Human Resource Management, Unimore
  • Tommaso Fabbri, Professor in Organisation and Human Resource Management, Unimore
  • Alberto Levi, Full Professor of Labour Law, Unimore
  • Federica Palmirotta, Research Fellow, Unimore
  • Ilaria Purificato, Research Fellow, Unimore
  • Riccardo Salomone, Full Professor of Labour Law, Unitrento
  • Iacopo Senatori, Associate Professor of Labour Law, Unimore
  • Alberto Tampieri, Full Professor of Labour Law, Unimore