The Marco Biagi Foundation was established to honour the memory of Prof. Marco Biagi and to carry on his reform ideas. The Foundation works as an institution closely linked to the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia to promote civic and public engagement, supporting the University in its mission in the promotion of culture, research and higher education, while contributing to strengthening the links between the University, the local territory and the world of work.
The Marco Biagi Foundation engages in national and international research activities in the field of employment relations, thanks to its research group and with the support of lecturers from the Universities of Modena and Reggio Emilia.
One of the Foundation’s key objectives is to design and implement higher education and training programmes that contribute to the improvement of individual skills and provide useful tools to respond to the challenges of a constantly evolving labour market.
The Certification Commission provides, among other things, employment law advice and certification of employment contracts for companies, trade unions and professional organisations, as well as consultancy services regarding types of contracts, contract wording and applicable regulations.
Events, projects, courses
The Foundation organizes its activities within eight observatories dedicated to specific topics.

Activities in collaboration with Unimore
The University of Modena and Reggio Emilia liaises with the Foundation as an institution promoting civic and public engagement (so called “Third mission”), with the objective of becoming a means for promoting links between the University and public and private bodies, supporting activities promoting links between the University and the social, economic and cultural context in which it is embedded.
The Marco Biagi Foundation was established in December 2002, a few months after the death of Marco Biagi. The Biagi family, together with representatives of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, where he taught labour law, and his students, decided to set up an University Foundation to honour his memory and to carry on his reform spirit.