Privacy, AI & New Technologies

The Observatory on Privacy, AI and New Technologies was established in 2018 in collaboration with the Marco Biagi Department of Economics and the E4E (Engineering for Economics/ Economics for Engineering) Doctoral School.

The topics it focuses on can be traced back to the relationship between law, rights and technology. In particular, the activity focuses on the protection, circulation, use (and re-use) of data (personal and non-personal), the regulation of the network and digital markets in a data-driven economy, the multiple applications of artificial intelligence and, more generally, the world of new technologies.

The Observatory’s objective is to monitor regulatory developments in the field of technological innovation and to study their effects on citizens, enterprises and public administrations.


Do you want to know more?

For more information, please contact:
Prof. Simone Scagliarini

Activities of the Observatory


The Observatory on Privacy, AI and New Technologies promotes the dissemination of the culture of personal data protection and regulation in the digital world through the training of competent professional figures in these fields as well as the compliant use of new technologies in the corporate/organisational sphere, through the design of training and advanced training courses and events dedicated to the subject.

The courses are aimed at all those professional figures who, in the performance of their duties, deal with the processing, in the company or in the public administration, of personal data and the implementation of new technologies (e.g. Data Protection Officer, IT Manager, etc.).
In addition, the Observatory takes care of teaching on the protection of personal data and the regulation and use of artificial intelligence as part of the:

  • PhD Course in Labour, Development and Innovation;
  • Master in Expert in Health, Safety and Environment in Private and Public Workplaces – HSE Management;
  • Advanced training course in Management for the Management of Complex Health Facilities;
  • Advanced training course for Network Managers.

The Observatory is also active in projects with secondary schools for the dissemination of culture on the correct use of the Internet and the dangers and risks inherent in the inappropriate use of digital devices and technologies.


The Observatory’s research activity focuses in particular on two strands.

The first relates to the protection of personal data, investigated in particular with reference to the impact on the employment relationship, as well as to other related rights such as personal identity, the right to disconnection, the right to be forgotten, etc. Analyses on the value of data and their usability for economic purposes and the consequent pro-competitive regulation of digital markets also belong to this research axis.

A second area of research focuses on the consequences for constitutional rights of the spread of the Net and the implementation of new technologies, including in particular artificial intelligence.

  • Valeria Barone, Doctoral Student, Unimore
  • Matteo Bursi, Research Fellow in Public Law, Unimore
  • Ilaria Del Giglio, PhD in Labour, Development and Innovation, Unimore
  • Tommaso Fabbri, Full professor of Organisation and Human Resourse Management, Unimore
  • Alberto Levi, Full Professor of Labour Law, Unimore
  • Noemi Miniscalco, Research Fellow in Public Law, Unimore
  • Veronica Palladini, PhD in Labour, Development and Innovation, Unimore
  • Rolando Poggi, PhD in Labour, Development and Innovation, Unimore
  • Enza Restaino, Doctoral Student, Unimore
  • Simone Scagliarini, Full Professor of Constitutional & Public Law, Unimore – Scientific Coordinator of the Observatory