VII International Conference in Commemoration of Professor Marco Biag

Produttività, investimento nel capitale umano e occupazione giovanile

Dinamiche comparate e risposte globali

Modena, 19-20 Marzo 2009

Alla presenza del Presidente della Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano

Sabato 21 marzo

Il Malato oncologico e il lavoro: opportunità e prospettive

In collaborazione con Comune di Modena e Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria di Modena Policlinico

Call for papers

Productivity, Investment in Human Capital and the Challenge of Youth Employment

Comparative Developments and Global Responses

7th International Conference in Memory of Professor Marco BiagiModena (Italy), 19-21 March 2009

The 7th International Conference in Memory of Professor Marco Biagi is dedicated to the challenge of youth employment and is aimed at achieving a better understanding of the issues in a global dimension through an interdisciplinary and comparative approach.

On the occasion of the Seventh International Convention in memory of professor Marco Biagi, Call for Papers is open.

Professors, researchers, doctoral students, experts, practitioners and other interested persons in the area of labour law, labour economics, labour organisation, and human resources management are invited to present contributions reflecting national cases and/or international developments relating to the issue of youth employment especially in the light on productivity and investment in human capital.

Abstracts and papers should be submitted preferably in Italian or English. Click here to read the full text of the

Luogo: Fondazione Marco Biagi, Largo Marco Biagi 10, Modena

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